Saturday, September 24, 2011

Animal Cruelty: Who is to Blame?

Animal Cruelty: Who is to Blame? 

For many of us who are aware of the multitude of ways that animals suffer at the hands of humans around the world, this ubiquitous cruelty is the most pressing social justice issue of them all. From declawing to debeaking, ear clipping to tail docking, the suffering that human beings inflict on animals being used for food, clothing, research, ‘pets’ and entertainment appears to know no bounds, and the many brutal ways in which we force animals to succumb to our desires appear to be limited only by the scope of our imaginations.
But why does all this cruelty take place? And what can we do about this horrifying brutality as individuals? It’s easy to point the finger at the direct perpetrators of animal cruelty as being villains who need to be brought to justice. It’s much harder – and yet much more significant – to turn that critical eye inward and ask oneself, ‘What am I doing to contribute to this?’ But it is only by asking that question that the path toward emancipation from barbaric injustice becomes clear.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Chinese Dog Eating Festival Banned After 600 Years Because Of Social Media Outcry

A 600-year-old dog eating festival in Qianxi, China was banned this week after a massive social media outcry called for its cancellation. Fifteen thousand dogs are slaughtered annually at the festival, which commemorates a battle fought in the town. Before the battle, an invading army killed all the dogs in the town of Qianxi to prevent being exposed by barking dogs. After capturing the town, the army ate the dog meat to celebrate.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Barbaric Chinese cat market closed

The barbaric cat market exposed by The Mail on Sunday has been shut down by police in China after pressure from thousands of horrified readers.
The report - followed up by newspapers and magazines throughout the world - detailed the appalling conditions the animals are forced to endure before being killed and eaten in restaurants.
Animal welfare organisations said the closure of the Xin Yuan market in the city of Guangzhou, capital of the southern province of Guangdong, represented a 'significant victory' for The Mail on Sunday and its readers because it is not illegal to sell cats for food in China.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


ABOVE: The images were condemned by millions of animal lovers around the world / Europics
ABOVE: The tradition is more than 600-years-old
ABOVE: 15,000 dogs were due to be butchered and eaten
ABOVE: The habit of dog eating is traced to a Ming Dynasty legend

CHINA has banned a sickening 600-year-old dog meat festival were helpless hounds were boiled alive after furious protests by hundreds of thousands of animal rights activists.

These gruesome scenes of appalling cruelty at the festival - which has been around since the Ming Dynasty - were condemned by millions of animal lovers around the world.

Officials in Hutou, Zhejiang province, eastern China, have called off the mass slaughter next month where up to 15,000 dogs were due to be butchered and eaten over three days.

Shocked visitors to previous festivals reported live dogs to densely crowded into wire cages that they gouged each others' eyes out just trying to stand up.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Activists at last year's Fur Free Friday!

Activists at last year's Fur Free Friday!
Activists at last year's Fur Free Friday!
Last night the City Council of West Hollywood passed a historic ordinance unanimously prohibiting the sale of fur apparel products within the city!  This great success culminated after months of canvassing and rallies spearheaded by the Fur-Free West Hollywood Campaign made up of activists from In Defense of Animals, Last Chance for Animals, Animal Alliance, PETA, OCPA, ARME, APRL and many hard-working individuals, most notably Ellen Lavinthal, Ed Bucks, Shannon Keith and Bryan Monell. Several stores in West Hollywood had voluntarily removed fur items from their stores prior to the City Council’s actions.
In 1989, West Hollywood passed resolution number 558 proclaiming West Hollywood a “cruelty free zone for animals”.   Since that time West Hollywood has passed legislation banning the declawing of cats, prohibiting pet stores from selling puppy mill animals and resolutions banning cosmetic testing on animals and steel-jaw leg hold traps.  In February of 2001 they adopted IDA’s guardian language which substitutes the word “guardian” for “owner“ in all discourse.
West Hollywood is the first city in the United States banning the cruel commerce of fur.  It is a remarkable historic  victory.
Want to help animals killed for their fur in your city? Click here for some ideas on what you can do!
This year’s Fur Free Friday is right around the corner. Click here to see what activists from around the world did last year and start planning your own events soon… more details on that coming soon!

Source : idablog

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Shocking animal cruelty Indonesia

Some facts regarding meat consumption & global effect

For those who believe vegans, vegetarians and activists only care about animals, here are a few statistics to alter your perception of us.

Sri Lanka mass animal sacrifice banned

2011-09-13 17:23
Colombo - A Sri Lankan court has ordered an annual sacrifice ritual in which hundreds of goats are slaughtered to be halted after a petition by animal rights activists, police said on Tuesday.

About 700 goats and scores of chickens were to be sacrificed on Tuesday during a traditional religious ceremony at the Munnewaram temple, just north of the capital Colombo.

The grisly ritual, in which goats are decapitated in public using a large hatchet, was first banned in the 1980s but was revived as locals believe the animals' blood wards off evil spirits.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Life of One Battery Hen

By Karen Davis, PhD
Photo by: Mercy for Animals, Weaver Brothers Egg Farm in Versailles, Ohio

Sound of a Battery Hen

You can tell me: if you come by the
North door, I am in the twelfth cage

On the left-hand side of the third row

From the floor; and in that cage

I am usually the middle one of eight or six or three.

But even without directions, you’d

Discover me. We have the same pale

Comb, clipped yellow beak and white or auburn

Feathers, but as the door opens and you

Hear above the electric fan a kind of

One-word wail, I am the one

Who sounds loudest in my head.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Free at last! Chimps caged for 30 years and injected with HIV in cruel experiments finally feel the sun on their faces again

Like prisoners emerging from a lifetime behind bars, a group of chimpanzees step blinking into the sunlight with what appears for all the world to be a wave and a smile.
And they have much to be joyful about. For this is the first time they have felt grass under their feet and breathed fresh air for 30 years.
Though a few of the chimps were born in captivity, most were kidnapped from African jungles as babies and flown to Europe, where they were locked in metal laboratory cages to be used in a long series of experiments.
Scroll down for video
Wave of delight: The moment a troop of chimpanzees step into the daylight for the first time in 30 years at the Gut Aiderbichl Animal Sanctuary, near Salzburg, Austria 
Hello world: With a wave and what appears to be a smile, chimpanzees step into the daylight for the first time in 30 years at the Gut Aiderbichl Animal Sanctuary, 
near Salzburg, Austria

Running for her life: one cow's fight for freedom


In late May, Yvonne, a six-year-old slaughter-bound cow, escaped from a German farm and ran for her life.
In her quest for freedom, she spent nearly 100 days hiding in the forests of Bavaria. Garnering international attention, she eluded capture by police, farmers, countless good samaritans and animal advocates, and hunters (until authorities called off the "hunt"). Some joined the search in hopes of taking home a $14,500 reward offered by Bild, a German tabloid. A radio station rented a helicopter equipped with thermal imaging cameras, animal advocates tried to lure her with a bull ox, her sister, and her son while animal psychics attempted to talk with her -- all to no avail. 

Is Your Diet Destroying The Environment?

5 Reasons Why the Food on Your Plate is More Important Than the Car You Drive:

Many people who “go green” consider buying something major like a hybrid car.  A larger contribution to the environment is not in your driveway though, but in your fridge right now.

The climate change cost of animal meat production is greater than the cost of cars, planes and all other forms of transport put together.

This is not just vegetarians or health advocates saying this either. The World Health Organization, Scientific American, New Scientist and Readers Digest have all come out with clear information on this fact.

The Mother Cage

UK - WE NEED TO WAKE UP to the suffering of these animals.
This is worse than PRISON !
A Viva! undercover investigation, filmed throughout the UK.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

U.S Meat consumption fall

Due to an oversupply brought on by low demand, chicken (or broiler) meat slaughter is expected to slow dramatically in the second half of 2011. According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s latest report, third quarter production is estimated to be 1.3% lower than the third quarter of 2010.

Lower production is expected to continue in the fourth quarter of 2011, with production expected to decrease 2% from the same period in 2010.

Nestea torments animals in deadly tea tests. Help to stop the abuse!


Monday, September 5, 2011

More than 50 Sheep facing slaughter commit mass suicide in Turkey

A man removes the bodies of 52 sheep that leapt to their deaths in a mass suicide in Turkey.
RIA Novosti
A man removes the bodies of 52 sheep that 
leapt to their deaths in a mass suicide in Turkey.

Maybe they knew what was coming.
More than 50 sheep on their way to slaughter in Turkey beat their executioners to the punch and jumped to their deaths in an unexplained and unprovoked mass suicide.

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