For many of us who are aware of the multitude of ways that animals
suffer at the hands of humans around the world, this ubiquitous cruelty
is the most pressing social justice issue of them all. From declawing
to debeaking, ear clipping to tail docking, the suffering that human
beings inflict on animals being used for food, clothing, research,
‘pets’ and entertainment appears to know no bounds, and the many brutal
ways in which we force animals to succumb to our desires appear to be
limited only by the scope of our imaginations.
But why does all this cruelty take place? And what can we do about
this horrifying brutality as individuals? It’s easy to point the finger
at the direct perpetrators of animal cruelty as being villains who
need to be brought to justice. It’s much harder – and yet much more
significant – to turn that critical eye inward and ask oneself, ‘What
am I doing to contribute to this?’ But it is only by asking that
question that the path toward emancipation from barbaric injustice
becomes clear.