Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reasons To Feel Really Good About Going Dairy-Free

For You
Of particular concern to elders, the 3 countries in the world with the highest dairy consumption – United States, Sweden, and Finland – are also the 3 countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis. Medical science has traditionally pushed for the consumption of dairy products as a way to get protein and calcium. In modern times, numerous respected medical studies have revealed that the high amount of protien in animal products actually causes limited absorption of the calcium in them, when compared to the absorption rates of calcium eaten in plant forms. The Dairy industry continues to promote its products as your key to healthy bones, but independent scientists want you to know the truth.
In addition to this, the first advice given to most Americans by their doctors when a patient is suffering from intestinal disorders, high cholesterol and heart diseases is often to stop eating dairy products. If you’ve found your way to this article because you’re trying to create a new dairy-free menu for yourself because of a health concern, I hope this recipe will help you to take comfort in the fact that dairy-free foods can be exceptionally delicious when prepared with thought and care.

Remember, going dairy free is actually a very natural thing to do – not something outrageous. Human beings are the only animals on earth that drink milk past infancy. The milk that is taken from mother cows is not meant for us – it is meant for their calves. Going dairy free means breaking out of the bizarre cycle of permanent infancy most Americans live in – and get sick from. If you are seeking a new dairy-free lifestyle, I sincerely hope it brings you better health.

For The Animals
I believe the world’s people will live to see the day when we look back on our past of forcing animals to labor for our purposes, without their consent, with dismay. Dairy cows lead heartbreaking lives; mechanically forced to reproduce, deprived of their children, drugged, kept in an unnatural state of permanent lactation, fed waste products and finally, slaughtered when they are of no ‘use’ to people any more, these beings are victims of almost unthinkable cruelty and lack of regard for their dignity.

Many people turn to vegetarianism when they learn about the horrors of animals slaughtered for meat, and I applaud that response of compassion for the suffering of others. It’s important to understand that this same suffering is inherent in animals used by the Dairy industry as well. On the other side of every glass of milk, every slice of cheese, is a veal calf, stolen from its mother, held in unbearable confinement and slaughtered in infancy. And, the slaughterhouse is waiting at the end of every dairy cow mother’s life, too. Very often, people make the move from vegetarianism to veganism because they suddenly realize how the meat and dairy industries are interconnected and how the suffering is the same for all animals involved.

For The Planet
The factory farming of cows is doing more to destroy our planet’s ecology and contribute to global warming than is our car driving habit in America. The methane belched by cows is one of the major contributors to climate change and the waste produced by factory farms has totally contaminated much of our precious water supply. Our consumption of meat and dairy means polluted skies, a suffering ecology and hungry people around the world. It’s unsustainable and unfair to future generations.

By opting out of dairy product consumption, you are making an extremely important difference in the fate of our world. That may sound grandiose, but it truly isn’t. Just think about the future.

"If you eat meat, drink milk, please don't say you are : an animal lover, an environmentalist, spiritual, peaceful, or compassionate. You truly cannot be those things unless you 
Go Vegan."

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